Creative control

The House of 3 Fifths is a home for creative minds, no matter the medium ,where the best young underground creatives devise visual art for music created by proven and inspirational composers. We strive to bring awareness and opportunities to young talent. Enabling expression and finding inspiration. Art meets Art.


In addition; our creators are open to opportunities to compose the right sound and/or vision for your project. This in turn helps us to continue to bring awareness to talent. Know that some of any fee will help showcase this talent live, with first option on sponsorship of such events,


Time is delivering the same content to us repeatedly, fitting securely into the right shaped boxes, allowing us to self-consciously utter “that sounds like…” again and again. The House of 3 Fifths is a coming together of writers, artists and freedom fighters who strive to create in order to express, who question their environment as naturally as they breathe, unfettered by popular promo culture that in turn strives to consume us all. Each artist here has at some point shaped and bent the House of 3 Fifths'  path, direction and passion through their creativity and flight. They carry our utmost respect. We are enabling music and art that is unique to our times.


Simply music and art created to be carried forwards for the right cause. Developing synchronisation and brand partnerships that place art and sound at the heart of progressive campaigns.

No Isms. No religions. Just freedom of expression.